“Safety is more important than convenience”


Learn on the move

Our courses are available for you anytime and anywhere. You can learn on your laptop, smartphone or tablet 24/7.


Learn from experts

Our courses bring first-class training and expertise directly to you via e-learning & Workshops. Regardless of your geography.


Expert Team

Taught by leading experts in the field, this accredited online course will help you and your organisation set up, run and monitor effective occupational road safety management system.

About Us

RUKO began to take shape three years ago, and we have been working hard to achieve our goal ever since. We have been conducting awareness programs in schools and colleges. RUKO is an organization that has a goal to meet the expectations of road users and the demands of a society that needs to move quickly and securely, road authorities and the various actors in charge of road networks must do their best to provide the level of service expected by users.


Women's Emancipation is being promoted and worked on.

Educating people about road safety.

Ensuring and directing people to safer roads.

Super Fast

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Oil Change

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Air Conditioning

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Road deaths every year
Killer of people aged between 5-29
# 0
Road deaths are pedestrians
0 %

The epidemic of road crashes in the world is preventable.

Over 1.35 million people die on the world’s roads every year, and millions more suffer serious injuries. Poor people are most likely to die from this preventable epidemic.

Road deaths occur every 24 seconds.

Millions of people around the world are devasted by road deaths and injuries every year. It is tragic to see how many people die on the road every year, but fortunately the number of incidents is on the rise around the world.

Deaths on the world's roads - WHO data visualisation


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